
Keep pets healthy, happy as seasons change – Our Communities

It’s almost spring, and with each change of the season we have new concerns to remember our pets.

The ice of ponds, streams and rivers begins to melt. We know that it is dangerous, but our pets just see the same ice that they ran all winter. We have to be extremely careful about these dangers.

In the summer, we are concerned about our pets, especially the bully breeds and smooth-faced dogs who freeze hard time. It can happen in winter as well. Wearing a lot of warm can have the same effect as the heat of summer. So if you use winter jackets, make sure you dress your dogs properly for current weather.

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Like us, our dogs are excited about spring melting and warm temperatures, which means it’s time to provide some pets related to pets.

In the spring, mud can contain a lot of salt, so wash the dog’s feet after walking becomes more important. Salt can affect pads and force dogs to lick them over normal, which can cause other problems.

Halt can also take into account many puddles that are potentially contaminated with any contaminants. Dogs do not see those dangers, they just see a source of water, so letting it know about it and to reduce clean drinking water from an unknown source.

Halt can also start fungus, and we start to see the plants growing, both can cause allergens to our pets. It is a good warning to keep out of symptoms and appropriate treatments are needed, if necessary.

Spring also brings one of the least favorite tasks of the pet owner, the ̶

0;Easter Egg” annual snow escaped from the snow, but now they are seen. The management received from these diamonds is an unpleasant problem, but the area is easy and safe. Fortunately, there are companies that will take this problem if you do not do it, but in any case, it must be done.

The change in the season can also mean that it spread season, especially for bilateral dogs. Spring is the second most difficult for the year for grooms (Christmas is the most difficult). Now the appointment of the care appointment can save you to the stress of some time. It’s a good time for any dog ​​to be groomed. Many people allow their dog’s jackets to grow in winter “to keep them hotter” and in many cases that can lead to buggy, overgrown nail or other questions. To take care of your pet is a great idea at any time of the year.

We all love our pets and we want to keep them safe and make sure we are aware of possible problems, it’s the best way to protect them.

Jeff McFharla

Jeff McFharla
Pets are people too

Jeff McFarlan is the owner of the Prosperous Armenia Food Market. Contact him with your questions or ideas with thriverentfootmamt@shaw.ca or visit www.thrichepfoodmarket.com

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