
Expert warns against buying ‘mutant and experimental’ cat breed – US News – News

People are warned not to lose XL Bully Cats, a cat breed, which is similar to controversial dogs for animal health concerns.

The transmitted hair hybrid breed, which is reported by breeders in the United States, has increased in popular social media and can now buy online.

They are also designed to be similar to XL Bully Dogs, who have undergone strict obstacles in the UK in February.

According to the British law, anyone who can have their pet, as a criminal record will be completed if they are unable to register them.

Although the distribution of the breed has caused concern by scientists and charities, there is currently a comparable legal barrier to cats.

Why do experts call it that people don’t buy them?

“Bullasshats” are bred to the eyes of the hair in the hair with the gene, which causes the short legs seen in Munchkin cats.

While animal lovers can be painted for an unusual appearance of XL Bully Cats, the experts warned that the breed would probably die six years earlier than the average weight problems for which they are vulnerable.

Tiger Grase Carol, a specialist at the Khaget and Welfare School of Psychology at the University of Bellfast at Queen University, warned of conversation in one article. “Prospective animal owners should be aware of the risks associated with mutant and experimental breeds.

“Consumers keep purchasing. We can discourage the breeders in the sup

reme assessment of animal health and well-being, refusing to buy breeds with extreme properties.

“Fashion in ethical breeding can provide future cats healthier, happier and are free to enjoy the natural cat behavior,” We have to be cats. “

What kind of health problems do breed suffer?

According to Dr Carroll, XL Bully Cats may be a victim of “twice twice, which has collided with the smhes and Mammki breeds.”

Like Sphynx cats, XL Bully Cats does not have rumors, depriving them of important tool for cats to navigate their environment and communicate.

“Kittens already has limited ability to adjust their body temperature, and it makes it harder to hair loss and it is more likely to be respiratory infections,” says Dr. Carol.

Meaningful cats can also be vulnerable to sunburn and skin cancer explained the academy.

According to the short legs of cats protection animals, the result of genetic shortcomings, “can lead to painful arthritis and causing problems with their common mobility.”

Dr. Carol mentioned that the average life time of Sphynx is only 6.7 years, compared to the 12-year life of other cats, but “XL Bully Cats” can be shorter. “

In the past, the RSPCA spokesman told: breeder.

“We also want breeding to prioritize the health and well-being of any animal for their appearance.”

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