Although dogs, cats and fish are the most common types of animals that belong to the UK as pets, some may decide to switch a more exotic option when choosing a family pet.
One of such a pet is Pumba, a five-year-old caraking, who lives in Latvia, where it is legal to have kitchen, her owner, Zhorbornov and his other two native cats.
Karakins are medium-sized cats known for their bright appearance and clear behavior, native Africa, Middle East, Central Asia and the northwestern Indian. It is known for their distinctive ear and mobility, can also be alone animals, which makes the pumpkin relationship with Densia and cats.
In recent years, Poka has become an internet sensation, boasting more than 11.1 million followers on Tiktok, where Denis presents their daily life videos.
“Pumba hates being alone so that he usually follows us during the day,” said Dan. “She likes to sit next to us and watch TV. We usually feed him three times a day. He also enjoys two other cats, Maine Co, and British Shorthair.
Pumber often appears to join the game with other cats, as everyone is pursuing the same toys. And this is not the only way he works like a home cat.
Although they often see the camera, he loves a well funny with his owner and other cats, as well as study the outside areas.
Dennis revealed the challenges of Keeping his pet, saying: two days.
“Also in winter, our lake tur
ns into ice, and Pumba is trying to leave our territory crossing the lake. That’s why we keep him in winter. “He also mentioned that when taking bombing for walks, they often have questions about whether the Karalz is dangerous, but people are usually excited to see him.
Despite Densie’s assurances, viewers remain skeptical of the idea of having a pet’s animal. One viewer was interested in video. “Is he actually dangerous or just rude? I really want to know.
The Cat Conservation Foundation says that the Karakans use their emotions that can be interpreted through their body language.
“Don’t you think he will hurt a small cat?” Another person commented on the PMBA video, which played with the main COON Cat, while others were joking. “Keep your enemies closer.”
Pumber often appears to join the game with other cats, because they all pursue the same toys. And this is not the only way he works like a home cat. He often sees him in the camera, he is very similar to other cats. He loves to laugh well with his master and other cats, as well as exploring external areas. “
Running while you can still. One commented. “He is such a sweet pie, he must be happy where he is.”
In the UK you need a license to make some animals be considered wild, dangerous or exotic. You can contact your local board.