
Animal Rescue Groups Sound Alarm As City Shelter Faces Overcrowding, Higher Euthanasia Rates

Chicago – Animal Rescue Squads Group Awareness of the Crisis in the Chicago Animal Care and Supervision, which has seen at high levels of priority, and the interest rates on euthanasia are up.

Rescue Lawyers, Neighbors and Ald. Raymond Lopez (15th) calls on more resources and leadership for maintaining animal care and control (CACC), 2741 S. Western Ave.

In February 1,207 animals came asylum, from February 1 to 832 last year, in February 2023.

More animals have found homes or rescue placements than last year due to adoptive and rescue partners, February 2024, according to Chicago animal care and control data. Credit: Chicago animal care and control

In recent years, euthanasia rates have also increased, and last year 3,694 animals, in 2023, from 3,322 to 2,306, 2,322.

Asylum Speaker Armando said that the decisions of euthanization are never easier. The shelter weighs factors, including health, behavior and restrictions, said Hadda.

“CACC prioritizes public security, responsible animal care and rescue efforts,” Tezheda said. “Nevertheless, our high reception numbers mean that we often face difficult decisions, especially when animals are seriously ill, injured or insecure behavior to other animals.”

Some diseases can be very contagious, “when treatment is not viable, euthanasia can be the only human version,” said Theshanda.

Still adoption rates have also increased since 2022, rising 3,037 from 1,944 last year according to asylum statistics. In February, the shelter reported 246 adoption. In the same month, the growth of past years is growing, and the pace of animals transferred to the rescuers has increased.

These figures reflect the growth of animals coming through asylum, which was seen before the epidemic, said Hadda. He said that the epidemiological economic and housing challenges increased only the adoption and the prices of euthanasia.

One tail at a time is a pet rescue group. Credit: Requirement

The problems of overcrowding and euthanasia are not the guilt of the agency only, but there must be a community concern, said Heather Owen, the founder of the local rescue at once.

“It’s really important that we’re not just putting fingers and we say [Animal Care and Control] It’s broken, and that’s why the animals die, “Owen said. “We need people’s microchepher of their pets and I will come to them if they wander. We need people to keep their cats from inside and let them not wander. We need people who instead of adopting animals. “

Volunteering, promoting and local rescue operations, such as one tail and paws are not enough, but not enough, he said.

“We need the city to keep the end of the deal and start implementing the things we know for help,” he said.

Having a urban stimulating program in his shelter, more employees who are dedicated to the adoptive parents and their pet to reunite people, they want to see.

Owens also joins the agency’s call to acquire a permanent executive director and to hire more workers to better respond to asylum problems.

Susan Capello has been CACC’s executive director since 2023, when the mayor of the time, the light of Lori, called him to the role. Cappello has worked at the city’s shelter for 23 years in different jobs and is a 33-year-old city worker.

“We are one of the largest animal controls in the country, and I think that our city deserves someone who has experience in all the challenges of the case,” Owen said. Hotspent[Susan] was not given a totally fair shot because he has no full staff [and] He has no experience in dealing with large animals control. “

The department has a budget of $ 7.5 million and eliminated three vacancies for this year’s budget.

Owen wants to see the city to find a national search for the “best possible candidate” who can help solve high-acceptance and euthanasia rates and protect more resources.

“The fact that we have gone for two years without recognition that the department is struggling and failing does not think it is not interested in animals,” Owen said.

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Chicago Animal Care and Control Center on the lower side of February 19, 2021. Credit: Colin Boyle / Block Club Chicago

Lopez, calling the resident dogs of the city council, said that the Permanent Executive Director would allow the head of the agency to solve the main challenges and have a “security” feeling. No permanent leader for the public agency is “fair” for thousands of animals served by taxpayers, employees and CACC, he said.

The Standing Executive Director can also seek Chicago a “non-killed” city, but it requires “able to use a capable, high-quality, principal”, which can restore euthanasia below 10%, increase and neutralize efforts.

Hotspent[Capello] It is more than qualified to continue in this role that he does about two years, “Lopez said. “I just think he has answered whether he will always be appointed in that role.”

Calling a permanent director can also increase their ability to “lead forward, instead, instead”, which is slightly inadmissible, “Lopez said.

Mayor’s spokesman Brandon Johnson refused to comment on Capello’s constant assignment or replacement program.

The shelter trusts Johnson and the City Council to “choose a strong, experienced leader who can continue to support and get the best out of this unique team,” said Theshanda.

“We are proud of the work we have done together,” said Theshanda. “If it is elected, Susan would have honored to serve as CACC Executive Director.”

Chicago Animal Care and Control 2741 S. Western Ave. Credit: Facebook

How to help?

Local rescuers and non-profit organizations, which are in a city shelter, say that the best short-term approach is to remind people that the non-profit of animal profits is needed, volunteering and donation. If it is not possible, spreading the word is also useful.

“The best thing you can do is registered to promote,” said Anna Buchikik, Vice President of Chicago Felins. “Taking care saves life. It’s as influential. “

Chicago’s animal care and control will hold Ste Spate & Kitties Pajama Pawty Goderntion Noon-6 for Pets, who have been 30 days or longer. The $ 65 adoption fee will be damaged for all long-term pets.

The agency also unites adoption event on March 29 and 30.

“After all, the animal shelter reflects the community that serves, and the challenges we face are not unique for Chicago, but they can be seen throughout the country,” he said. “The best way for public assistance is to adopt, promoting, collection and support of the property responsible for the ownership of the officer’s (neighborhood).

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