
March 10, 2025 – Shaw Local

Herald-News represents pets of this week’s weeks. Read the description of each pet to know about it including where it can be accepted in Will County.

Send pets of the week to ne nes@theherald-news.com. Photos should be :jpg file format, 200 DPI and email applications.

Zucchini is a sweet, 60 pound, a 4-year-old Terry Mixed to prevent euthanasia. He is meticulous, active, outgoing and need to run and play a yard. He must be the only dog ​​in a house but zucchin does not seem to cats. He is also doing well with children. Zucchini, Email Dogadoption@nawsus.org Visit nawsus.org.

Skye is a great 2-year-old home shorts survived from the shelter killed in the south of Illinois. Skye loves gentle pets and attention. He has a slightly reserved in his new environment, but immediately answers the heat and especially loves chin scratches. When people are in her family, Skye sometimes kisses them. Meet Skye, Email Catadoptions@nawsus.org. Visit nawsus.org.

Skye is a great 2-year-old home shorts survived from the shelter killed in the south of Illinois. Skye loves gentle pets and attention. He has a slightly reserved in his new environment, but immediately answers the heat and especially loves chin scratches. When people are in her family, Skye sometimes kisses them. Meet Skye, Email Catadoptions@nawsus.org. Visit nawsus.org.

Indie is a mix of 3-year-old Australian livestock dogs that reached the control of local animal animals. Indie loves to run outside when playing with her toys. He brings incredible and could play for hours. He also loves to be with his people and will happily turn to many kisses. Indie needs home without cats or other dogs. Contact Willcountsyhumane.com’s will on Willcountyhumane.com will. Follow the instructions for the adoption process.

Indie is a mix of 3-year-old Australian livestock dogs that reached the control of local animal animals. Indie loves to run outside when playing with her toys. He brings incredible and could play for hours. He also loves to be with his people and will happily turn to many kisses. Indie needs home without cats or other dogs. Contact Willcountsyhumane.com's will on Willcountyhumane.com will. Follow the instructions for the adoption process.
Willcountyhumane.com will. Follow the instructions for the adoption process. (Photo by Sue Newcomb Visual Arts)

Koda is a 7-year tabico that was delivered. Koda had an extended eye when she arrived in a humanitarian society, and the veterinarian decided that the eye should also be removed due to the rare Taiasoma. Code needs a comfortable home that welcomes specific needs Kitty. Contact Willcountsyhumane.com’s will on Willcountyhumane.com will. Follow the instructions for the adoption process.

Koda is a 7-year tabico that was delivered. Koda had an extended eye when she arrived in a humanitarian society, and the veterinarian decided that the eye should also be removed due to the rare Taiasoma. Code needs a comfortable home that welcomes specific needs Kitty. Contact Willcountsyhumane.com's will on Willcountyhumane.com will. Follow the instructions for the adoption process.

Sweet Padme loves pets, hanging people with cat trees, watching birds and squirrels and play with toys, especially boxes and tunnel. Padme knows his name, comes when calling and greeting people at the door. He is doing well with other cats but he prefers people. He would make a big soloist pussy and need a house where children are 10 or older. To meet Padme, visit forgetful ones. Com / adoptables:

Sweet Padme loves pets, hanging people with cat trees, watching birds and squirrels and play with toys, especially boxes and tunnel. Padme knows his name, comes when calling and greeting people at the door. He is doing well with other cats but he prefers people. He would make a big soloist pussy and need a house where children are 10 or older. To meet Padme, visit forgetful ones. Com / adoptables:

Frodo is a funny boy who is very energy. He loves to run and play with his two brothers at his foster home. Frodo is curious and watches people as if it’s a dog. He loves attention and even will be called to it. He loves to sit by people. Frodo will do well with another cat at home, but he preferred the owner who could adopt him and his brothers. To meet Frodo, visit forgetful ones.

Frodo is a funny boy who is very energy. He loves to run and play with his two brothers at his foster home. Frodo is curious and watches people as if it's a dog. He loves attention and even will be called to it. He loves to sit by people. Frodo will do well with another cat at home, but he preferred the owner who could adopt him and his brothers. To meet Frodo, visit forgetful ones.

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